【MSP-k開催報告】MSP-k 第2回 in仙台
2019年10月22日、仙台会場にてマネジメントスタンダードプログラム for kaigoを実施しました。 ご参加いただいた皆様ありがとうございました。 事後アンケートでは、介護職に限らず、リーダーとして正しくマネジメントを行なっていくことが大切だと思った、また機会があれば参加したい、来年2日間研修になったとしても参加したい、職場に帰ってしっかり1つ1つの仕事の目的を確認して行こうと思った、などの声をいただきました。 12月以降開催予定の岐阜会場、函館会場、石垣会場、那覇会場は数枠空きがございます。お申込みをご検討の方はお早めに。ご応募、お待ちしております。 チラシをダウンロード↓… 【お申込み】 以下、仙台開催の様子です↓↓
【MSP-k開催報告】MSP-k 第1回 in熊本
2019年10月15日に、熊本会場にてマネジメントスタンダードプログラム for kaigoを実施しました。 ご参加いただいた皆様ありがとうございました。 事後アンケートでは、自身のマネジメント上での課題に気付けた、チームとしてどうしていくべきか考える機会になった、もっと時間をかけてじっくりやりたかった、などの声をいただいております。 参加者全員が、マネジメントの必要性・重要性を感じることができた、と回答してくださいました。 12月以降開催予定の岐阜会場、函館会場、石垣会場、那覇会場は数枠空きがございます。 お申込みをご検討の方はお早めに。 ご応募、お待ちしております。 チラシをダウンロード↓… 【お申込み】 以下、熊本開催の様子です↓↓
【雑誌掲載】2019年9月号「厚生労働」にVR ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンの記事が掲載されました
株式会社シルバーウッド(代表取締役:下河原 忠道)は、株式会社日本能率協会マネジメントセンター(代表取締役:張 士洛)と連携し、ハラスメント研修のためのVRコンテンツを共同制作・リリースいたします。 「VR Angle Shift」プロジェクトでは、VR認知症から始まり、今ではLGBT、発達障害、ダイバーシティ、世代間ギャップ、ワーキングマザー&ファーザーなどのVRコンテンツを作成し、各企業においてこれらを活用したD&I研修、LGBT研修、介護離職防止研修等を実施し、「体験を共有することで参加者同士に対話が生まれる」と好評いただいております。 近年では、職場におけるハラスメントは問題が深刻化しており、社員が訴訟を起こすケースも増えています。そこで弊社は、企業研修やeラーニングなどの人材育成支援プログラムを通して、およそ10年間でのべ5,300社以上、40万人近くにハラスメント教育を実施してきた実績を持つ、日本能率協会マネジメントセンター社と共に、ハラスメントを体験できるVRコンテンツを製作するに至りました。 VRを活用したハラスメントの一人称体験は、ハラスメントをより自分ごととして捉えることを可能にします。ハラスメントに関わる様々な人の視点に立ち、ハラスメントを感じている側の不快感や自身がハラスメントを自覚していない側の心情、心理的安全性が阻害される職場環境を体験することは、体験者の感情に訴えかけ座学で得た知識以上により深い理解を促します。 本研修は最大100名規模での実施が可能です。参加者全員が同時に同じ体験をすることで、より深いディスカッションが生まれます。これにより、日常業務における実践的なハラスメント対策やチームコミュニケーションを活性化させ、職場内での対話が促されるような研修を提供していきます。
VR Dementia (Experiencing the symptoms of Dementia by VR) - SILVER WOOD Co., Ltd.
Table of Contents 1. What is VR Dementia? 2. About SILVER WOOD Co., Ltd. 3. Participant's voice 4. VR Dementia contents 5. Other VR contents What is VR Dementia? VR Dementia allows people to experience the symptoms of dementia from a first-person perspective. VR Dementia aims to deepen people’s understanding of dementia by “experiencing” dementia, rather than “learning” about it. By experiencing dementia, you can think about dementia as your own affair, not as someone else’s. VR experience is different from just watching videos. Because your entire field of vision is covered with a headset, VR can make you feel present in the scene. Many people say that using VR allows them to understand about dementia in totally different way from the lectures they have had in the past. And that the VR experience was a good opportunity for them to realize their own prejudice against dementia. Usually, we offer 90 minutes sessions using these VR. In the 90 minutes, participants experience 3 VR contents and watch 2 interview videos of persons with dementia. After each VR experience, participants would share their thoughts with each other on “How they felt” and “How they would want to be treated in that situation”. Then participants would discuss how the environment surrounding the people with dementia can be changed to improve the situation. We hold VR Dementia sessions to various people, such as medical professionals, care workers, government officials, students, people who have a family member with dementia, and anyone who is interested in learning about dementia. Since 2017, we have succeeded in getting over 120,000 people to experience the VR dementia (as of November 2023). (Overseas Expansion) VR Dementia have been translated into English, Chinese, and Taiwanese. Our partner in Taiwan used our VR to offer VR Dementia sessions in Taiwan. (Achievement) "Best Smart Care Technology Service Winner" at 5th Asia Pacific eldercare innovation awards 2017 2022 Healthy Aging Prize for Asian Innovation Technology & Innovation Second Prize (Reference) ・CNA TV program "Money Mind" *Silver Wood is introduced from 15:37. ・Financial Times article ・the Japan Times article About SILVER WOOD Co., Ltd. SILVER WOOD operate housings for elderly people with supportive services named ”Ginmokusei” in Japan. In each of 12 Ginmokusei, about 50 people live there. About 90% of the residents are people with dementia. The policy of Ginmokusei is simple. "Do everything you can do yourself. Do what you want to do." This concept is the same whether a resident has dementia or not. (Achievement of Ginmokusei) "Facility of the Year Residential Aged Care" at 3rd Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards 2015 Through our daily contact with many residents with dementia, we felt that we can change the society’s understanding of dementia. And to do that, we have come to think that it is not a matter of changing the people with dementia, but of changing those of us who surrounds them. That is why we developed VR Dementia. Participant's voice Here are some of the many comments from the participants. "I thought I understood everything about dementia, but I may have been arrogant. May be I was just looking at the 'symptoms' of dementia and not the 'person'." - Dementia Specialist Doctor "I have always wanted to understand the feelings of people with dementia and be close to them, but I had been struggling to do so. But through this VR experience, I felt like I finally understood what I should do from now on, and tears came to my eyes." - Care worker "I was surprised by the power of the VR experience, which was completely different from the lectures I had taken." - Dementia Specialist Nurse "I used to have a 'big negative' impression of dementia, but through the experience, the negative impression disappeared." - College student "I learned more than reading 100 technical books." - Medical student "If I could have experienced this VR 10 years ago, I might have changed the way I cared for my mother. I want people who are caring for their family members to experience this VR." - Care giving family "I am currently taking care of my father who has Lewy body dementia, but I think I can be a little kinder to him from today." - Care giving family "I knew about this VR from TV and word of mouth, but seeing is believing. I was surprised by the experience. The VR technology was amazing." - Medical worker VR Contents There are 3 VR contents translated to English, Chinese, and Taiwanese. One is titled "What are you doing to me?" -The story proceeds from the viewpoint of a person with dementia - You are standing at the edge of the roof of the building. Some care workers then say, “Don’t be afraid, just step down“. But you are scared and cannot move. For a moment, you feel like you are falling down from the top of the building, but you soon realize that you were really just stepping down from a car. This is an experience of visuospatial deficit, a symptom that makes it difficult to percept distance. So just a step of the car felt like the height of a building. Imagine how you would react if these care workers pulled your hands or pushed your back to help (or make) you step off the car ... Through this VR experience, participants realize that there are reasons for the behavior of people with dementia, which participants may have previously thought was incomprehensible. Also, many of the issues regarding people with dementia are actually not the problems of the people with dementia, but rather the problem of people who surrounds them. The problem is the lack of understanding and the way of communication with people with dementia. Another one is "Dementia with Lewy bodies - Visual Hallucination -" And another is "Where am I?" VR Contents We are expanding VR programs to variety of topics such as LGBT, developmental disabilities, visual impairment, cancer, and more. Contact If you have any questions regarding our VR dementia, please e-mail us.